Wednesday, September 25, 2013

English BC-Nouns3: Food related words

                             Nouns: Food related words
Food terminology
Soak in a sauce of oil, vinegar and spices
Boil briefly to cook food slightly
Oven proof dish with a close fitting lid
To cook by heating in the vapour from boiling water

A person who knows lot about food
Portable cooking stove
Mash or pulp of fruits or vegetables
9. Cuisine
A style or method of cooking
10. Dessert
A sweet dish eaten at the end of a meal
Flat chocolate squares with nuts
12. Sundae
Ice cream with various topping
13. Bombay Duck
An Indian Fish
14. A La Carte
Referring to separately priced dishes
15. Seasoning
The process of adding salt, herbs, or spices to food to enhance the flavor.
16. Topping
A layer of food poured or spread over a base of a different type of food to add flavor.
An item or substance used as a decoration or embellishment accompanying a prepared food dish or drink
a person who eats and drinks excessively or voraciously
19. Saute
Fry briefly over high heat
20. Roast
Cook by dry heat
 Of kitchen or cooking
22. Broil.
To cook food directly above or under a heat source
23. Chop

To cut food into bite-size pieces using a knife.
24. Grate
To reduce a large piece of food to coarse or fine threads by rubbing it against a rough, serrated surface, usually on a grater

To cook food in liquid over gentle heat, just below the boiling point, low enough so that tiny bubbles just begin to break the surface.

To expose fresh food to smoke from a wood fire for a prolonged period of time.
27. Whip

To beat ingredients such as egg whites or cream until light and fluffy.
28. Scald
To dip fruits or vegetables in boiling water in order to loosen their skins and simplify peeling.
29 Mash

To crush a food into smooth and evenly textured state
30. Knead

To mix and work dough into a smooth, elastic mass.

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