Saturday, June 29, 2013

FA2 Cycle Test-1 (2013-14)

Podar International School- CBSE,Ahmedabad

Std. VIII                                               FA2  Cycle Test-1 (2013-14)  
पाठ शास्त्रार्थ, सभ्यता का रहस्य कविता हिमालय और हम व्याकरण संधि, उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, समास रचना निबंध लेखन कहानी संचय नहले पे दहला प्रायश्चित का पुरस्कार  
French/Guj/ Sansk
French:-Ln.1- Tu as l’heure? Distinction entre l’heure officiel et l’heure dans la conversation Compréhension  Ln.2 – La journée de Emilie
Parle de tes repas et tes plats favoris, Les aliments français et indiens Les habitudes alimentaires des français, Q /A Pg.15 et 21,Grammaire :-Les présent des verbes Pronominaux (conjugaison),L’impératif des verbes pronominaux (+ve et-ve) Guj :-
Sansk Sansk:- नव रूचिरा 1 सिद्धार्थस्य विरक्ति 2 सिंहमूषकयो: कथा   3 सुभाषितानी
सृष्टि 1 वर्ण विचार: 2 कारकविभक्ति:/उपपदविभक्ति  3 लिंगनिर्धारणम  4 शब्दरूपाणि 5 चित्रधारित वर्णनम  
Chapter 1: Rational numbers, Chapter2: Linear equations in one variable, Chapter 4: Algebraic Expressions, Chapter4: Understanding shapes
Chap 1:- Adobe Photoshop 7.0, Chap 2:- MS Access
Chap 3:- Introduction to Visual Basic(Page No – 1 to 46)
Hist & Civics: 1. Colonial Rule in India, 2.  Colonial Administration, 3.  Indian Constitution 4. Vision of Indian Constitution   Geo:1. Our Resources, 2. Land and Soil Resources          
Chapter: 1 Crop Production and Management, Chapter: 11 Force, friction and pressure, Chapter: 6 Combustion , Flame and fuel, Chapter: 4 Metals and Non-metals
Eng. Lit.  Prose: A Lesson in Life from a Beggar, Thanks for Your Time (from SR), Poem:  More About People (from SR), In the Bazaars of Hyderabad (from SR) English Language:- Sentences:-1. Kinds of sentences, 2. Adding correct punctuation marks, 3.  Changing into questions, 4. Constructing sentences using directions5.   Completing short dialogues 6.Affirmative and negative sentences 7. Changing sentence forms,8. onstructing questions 9. Question tags, 10. ‘Wh’ questions 11. Framing questions, Comprehension, Diary Entry, Speech Writing,  Revision of Tenses (all), Conditionals, Revision of Formal Letter (will not be tested for the FA1 exam) (2)Prefixes and Suffixes

  ------------                                                                 ------------------------------
         Principal                                                           Academic Co-ordinator             .....2

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Special Instructions:-

a.    School timings during Cycle test–I will be from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. only.
Please make necessary arrangement to pick your ward from the school at 11:00 a.m. after the cycle test.  School transport will be available to the students coming by school bus.
b.    Duration of Computer & Third language  Paper is one hour, so that day students have to bring books for the next exam for revision during school hrs.
c.    On regular class day students have to come with books according to timetable for first 5 periods i.e. 7:55 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

d.    Open house is on 27th July 2013 as per the schedule below and request all to strictly follow the schedule.

08.30 a.m – 09.30 a.m
09.30 a.m. – 10.30 a.m
10.30 a.m – 11.30 a.m
ROLL NO 1 - 16
ROLL NO 17 – 32
ROLL NO 33 – 48

Thursday, June 27, 2013

English Language
Speech writing
When writing an speech the following points should be adhered to:
Ø begin by wishing the audience
Ø introduce yourself
Ø introduce the topic
Ø 2-3 paragraphs stating the argument and the solutions/suggestions
Ø thanking the audience
Ø word limit – 200 words

Structure of a Speech:
1) The Title
Ø brief – not more that 2-3 words
Ø catchy and effective
Ø encourage the reader to read further
2) Introduction
Ø informs the reader what the speech is about
Ø could contain facts or startling information/and anecdote – a story that illustrates a point. (should be short)
Ø summary information – explain your point of view in general terms
The body
Ø causes of the problem
Ø effects of the problem
Ø your opinions
Ø description of the event
Conclusion brings closure.
Ø review main points
Ø describe your feelings about the topic
Conclusion could include sentences like the following:
      In conclusion then…
      Finally, it can be argued that…
      Despite the evidence to the contrary, it could be argues…
      Quotation relevant to the topic can also be added here.


1. Compare the physical properties of metals and non-metals.
Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity
They are not good conductors of heat and electricity
They are hard, shiny, can be beaten into sheets, drawn into wires
They are brittle, dull, cannot beaten into sheets, drawn into wires
Normally they are solids at room temperature
They exist as solid and gases at room temperature.
They are very strong and hard
Not as hard as metals.
They produce sound
They do not produce ringing sound.

2. Why is gold used for making jewellery?
Gold has lustreand  is considered to be the most malleable metal. i.e. it can be beaten into thin sheets (malleability) to create a number of designs in bangles, chains etc.
3.  Why are electrical cables made from copper?
Because it is a good conductor of heat and electricity.
4. Metal oxides are basic oxides. Explain with an example.
When metal oxides dissolve in water, they form bases which turn red litmus blue. E.g.
           Sodium oxide dissolve in water to form sodium hydroxide.
         Sodium oxide + water                   sodium hydroxide
      Na2O    +   H2O --àNaOH
5.    Why is sodium metal stored under kerosene?

Sodium is one of the most reactive metal. It reacts vigorously with the oxygen present in air at room temperature to form sodium oxide. So, it is kept in kerosene.

6       & 7. Define displacement reaction with the help of an example.
Write the chemical reaction involved.

A chemical reaction in which a more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal from its salt solution is called as displacement reaction.
e.g. when an iron nail is put in copper sulphate solution, the colour of the solution changes from blue to light green and a reddish brown coating of copper is seen on the iron nail.
It is because iron which is a more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal copper from copper sulphate solution.

     Copper sulphate + iron --à iron sulphate + copper

             CuSO4     + Fe   à   FeSO4    +      Cu

8. What happens when a metal reacts with dilute acid? Explain with an e.g.
  Metals react with dilute acids form a salt and hydrogen gas.
 Sodium   + dil. Hydrochloric acid àsodium chloride +   Hydrogen

2Na  + 2 HClà 2NaCl  + H2

9. Why do copper vessels develop a greenish layer when exposed to moist air?
Copper vessels develop a greenish coating of copper carbonate on exposure to air.

10. list few uses of metals and non metals. 46 & 47


1.     a.Metals that are in liquid state: Mercury & Gallium
b.Soft metals :Sodium & Potassium
c.Non-metal that exists as a liquid :Bromine
d.Hardest non metal: diamond
e.Non- metals that have lustre: Graphite, diamond & iodine
f.      Metals which do not conduct heat & electricity: Lead &Tungsten
g.    Non-metal that is a good conductor of heat & electricity : graphite
h.    Metal used in thermometer: Mercury

2.    What is metal reactivity series?
  The arrangement of metals according to their reactivity is called as metal reactivity series.
Metals have been arranged in a vertical order with the most reactive metal at the top and the least reactive metal at the bottom.
3.    What do you mean by galvanization? What is its use?
Coating of iron or steel with a layer of Zinc is known as galvanization. It is used to prevent the metal from rusting.

4.    What is rusting? Mention the factors that cause rusting?
The formation of reddish brown coat on iron objects on exposure to moist air is known as rusting. Atmospheric Oxygen and moisture are the two factors that cause rusting.
5.    What is an alloy?
Alloy is the mixture of 2 or more than 2 metals
Metal and a non-metal
e.g. brass is a mixture of copper & zinc