Tuesday, August 31, 2021



कोष्ठक में दिए गए शब्दों से संज्ञा का उचित रूप बनाकर रिक्त स्थानों की पूर्ती कीजिए ।

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

A Fishy story

 A Fishy story

2. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words. 

a) The neighbourhood of Streatley and Goring is a great fishing centre. The river abounds in pike, roach, dace, gudgeon, and eels and one can sit and fish for them all day. Some people do but they never catch them. 

b) The author was an extremely neat thrower, had plenty of gumption and quite enough constitutional laziness. However, to become a great angler, he would require more imagination, more power of invention and the ability to tell lies easily. 

c) The young man began counting each fish that he caught as ten, and to assume ten to begin with. Then, if he really caught one fish, he called it twenty, while two fish would count thirty and so on. 

d) The old fellow told the author that he had caught the trout just below the bridge with a minnow and it weighed eighteen pounds six ounces. He further added that one didn’t see many fish that size about there then. 

3. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words.

a) One day when the author and his friend George were in a parlour, they began chatting with an old fellow there. Then, the old fellow said that the trout weighed eighteen pounds six ounces and he had caught him just below the bridge with a minnow. The local carrier, who had just stopped at the inn, said that it was nearly five years ago that he had caught that trout below the lock and it weighed twenty-six pounds. Five minutes later, a third man came in and described how he had caught it early one morning, bleakly. After he left, a middle-aged individual came in. He told the author and his friend how it had taken him half an hour to land it, broke his rod and weighed thirty-four pounds. Finally, the landlord came and told the real history how he had caught it when he was quite a lad. 

b) The author and his friend George has heard all the false stories and shared them with the landowner. The landowner in turn told them the real history behind the trout. After the landowner left the room, they again turned their gaze upon the fish. The more they looked at it, the more they marvelled at it. It excited George so much that he climbed up on the back of a chair to get a better view of it. And then the chair slipped, and George clutched wildly at the trout-case to save himself, and down it came with a crash, George and the chair on top of it. That trout lay shattered into a thousand fragments. They thought it strange and unaccountable, if it had been a stuffed trout, but it was not. That trout was plaster-of Paris. Thus, the truth behind the huge trout was finally discovered.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

French lesson 5 notes


Leçon 5 – Qu’est-ce que je ferai ?

Grammaire –

Le futur simple

Le futur simple is used for talking about the events which will take place after a long time i.e. maybe after a few months or years and therefore there can be a kind of uncertainty of happening it.

Construction of the sentence –

Subject + radical of the verb + endings ai/as/a/ons/ez/ont

Radicals of the verbs – 1) For ER verbsand IR verbs radical and the infinitive are the same.

e.g. radical of ‘chanter’ is chanter itself. So take the whole verb and add the endings as per the subject.

Note these radicals – acheter – achèter

                                         Peser – pèser


                                          Appeler –appeller

                                          Employer – emploir

e.g. regarder – to see

Je regarderai – I will see

Tu regarderas – you will see

Il/Elle/On regardera – He/She/Everybody will see

Nous regarderons – we will see

Vous regarderez – you will see

Ils/elles regarderont – they will see

Radical of ‘remplir’ is remplir itself.

e.g. choisir – to choose

Je choisirai – I will choose

Tu choisiras – you will choose

Il/Elle/On choisira – he/she/everbody will choose

Nous choisirons – we will choose

Vous choisirez – you will choose

Ils/elles choisiront – they will choose


2)  For RE verbs remove R from the infinitive and the remaining verb is infinitive. E.g. radical of ‘vendre’ is ‘vendr’.

e.g. vendre – to sell

Je vendrai – I will sell

Tu vendras – you will sell

Il/Elle/On vendra – He/she/Everybody will sell

Nous vendrons – we will sell

Vous vendrez – you will sell

Ils/Elles vendront – they will sell

3) here are some irregular radicals.



Venir –to come


Aller – to go


Avoir- to have


Être- to be


Vouloir – to want


Savoir – to know


Faire – to do


Voir – to see


Obtenir – to obtain


Pouvoir – to be able to


Recevoir – to receive


Tenir – to hold


Mourir – to die


Devoir - must


Falloir – must,necessary


Pleuvoir – to rain

Faudr – Il faudra – it will be necessary

Pleuvr – Il pleuvra

These two verbs have only one conjugation.

# when the question is in the form of fill in the blanks the key words in the sentence are ‘dans une année, après deux ans ‘ etc.

Coin culturel –

L’université de Sorbonne

Crée par Robert de sorbon

En 1253

Se trouve à Paris

Connue comme – l’Université de Paris

Monday, August 9, 2021










Ch 2 - OpenOffice Base

1. Textbook Exercise Answer Sheet

2. Workbook Sheet

3. Workbook Answer Sheet 

The inchcape rock


The inchcape rock

2. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words. 

a) The Abbot of Aberbrothok tied a bell to the Inchcape rock to warn passing ships of the danger. When sailors heard the bell ringing, they steered their ship safely away, thanking and praising the Abbot.

 b) Ralph wandered on the distant seas for a long time. He plundered and looted many ships. In this way, he gathered a lot of wealth and grew rich and prosperous. 

c) The sailors were unaware of where they were because the sky was hazy, and they could not hear the bell on the Inchcape rock. So, the ship hit the Inchcape Rock and broke. Waves engulfed it from all sides and it sank. 

d) In his dying fear, the Rover could hear one dreadful sound, which seemed like the sound made by the Inchcape Bell but was the sound of the death knell, being rung by the Devil himself. 

3. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words. 

a) Sir Ralph, the Rover, steered his course for Scotland’s shore after scouring the seas and becoming rich after plundering. A thick haze spread over the atmosphere and the sailors could not see the sun in the sky. The whole day strong winds blew and by evening the storm cleared away. Sir Ralph pacified the sailors by telling them that there would be good weather when the moon would rise in the sky. A sailor said that he could hear the roaring of the waves and it seemed that the shore was nearby while another wished he could hear the bell.

 b) The good symbolised by the Abbot and the bad symbolised by Ralph the Rover are compared. The poem demonstrates the principle that crime gets its own punishment. The Rover, in his high adventure and disregard for others, cuts off the bell with the view to vex the good Abbot and the other helpless sailors. He represents what is bad in man and ironically gets caught in his own trap of mischief. Remorse and regret later overtake him. Thus, ‘The Inchcape Rock’ says that one should not willingly cause harm to others. If they do, they would be punished in the end.