Monday, November 22, 2021

When the great trees fall

 2. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words

a) In the phrase ‘their senses erode beyond fear’ the poet emphasises that the ones at loss are not even sure what they feel for their senses (are) eroded beyond fear. This refers to the numbness of heart and soul that often immediately follows the loss of someone great. 

b) In this line the poet explores the feeling of anger and regret as she highlights the baggage of having unexpressed feelings in the heart, that a person experiences. This loss has left her desperately longing for more time to express the love she felt in her heart for the person who was taken too soon. 

c) The poet explains that loss can truly change a person’s reality. When one’s reality is bound up in the life of another, the loss of that person changes everything. She explains the way that our souls can depend on the nurture of another, and when that person dies, it leaves us feeling small, like our very souls have shrunk. This has immense strain on a person’s mental and emotional being. 

d) The speaker describes the way in which those affected by loss have a brief moment of hurtful clarity in which they are able to see and understand just what a valuable soul has been lost. These moments serve as a reminder of the loss of the person. 

3. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words. 

a) The poet opens the poem with the metaphor of the falling of great trees. In the literal sense it means when great trees fall the effect is felt for miles. Inanimate objects like rocks shudder. Animals big or small hunker and run for safety. Metaphorically the poet draws a striking comparison between the falling of great trees to the loss of a person making it very symbolic. When a great soul departs, the effects are felt deep and far. Just like the lions hunker, people too react to the loss of life with fear and the pressing need to hide away to safety. The speaker’s use of nature and animals to create the image of the effects of death allows the reader to connect with the feeling through the visual imagery presented. 

b) In these lines the poet explores the theme that life goes on despite a great loss. These lines give a new meaning and purpose to her life. She claims that because this great one existed, she can be better. It even offers great hope to all who have experienced loss. The speaker continues to identify with others who have lost loved ones which creates a sense in the readers that they are not alone. Readers can know that others have felt such grievous pain, and yet have not only healed but been made better by the loss. Even if they will never be the same again, and even if there will always be pain and sadness, there is hope for healing and joy in the midst of great loss.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

The story of William Kamkwamba

 2. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.

a. Most families in Malawi were farmers. Where they lived, there were no computers, very few televisions, and for most of their life, they didn’t have electricity—just oil lamps that spewed smoke.

b. William and Geoffrey were keen on finding out how radios and other machinery worked. They would dismantle a radio and then reconstruct it to find the secret sauce. In this way, they began their own radio repair business

c. After the floods hit William’s village, his family lost the year’s harvest. The floods left them with nothing to eat and nothing to sell. Unfortunately for William, his family hadn’t any savings, so he could not continue his schooling.

d. William was only fourteen years old when he built the wind turbine. He was a simple boy who had never even seen the computer but after his invention, he was discovered by journalists and invited to speak at a TED conference, which led to a worldwide recognition of his accomplishments and goals.

3. Answer the following questions in 100-120 words

a) After quitting school, William did not lose hope. In order to catch up with his classmates, he started reading books from his village library. He explored a few science books and came across the book ‘Explaining Physics’ which he found both amusing and educational. He taught himself the principles of electricity generation. He borrowed the book for a month and studied it daily. There were difficult words in the book which he could not understand therefore he needed a dictionary. So visited the library the next day. There he came across an American textbook called ‘Using Energy’, and that book changed his life. 

b) To build a wind turbine, William needed a dynamo to build the prototype but he did not have funds. So his friend Gilbert offered to help him. Armed with knowledge, they start by creating the frame. William used his father’s broken bicycle; he attached the bicycle and dynamo to the tractor fan. He built a tall wooden tower and put the machine on top of it. He worked on it for months. As he fixed the wind turbine, a gust of wind slammed against his body, and the blades spun like furious propellers.

पाठ १८ सर्वनाम


अभ्यास कार्य 

प्रश्न १ 

प्रश्न २ 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

पाठ कारक



कारक के भेद-

अभ्यास कार्य 

प्रश्न १

प्रश्न २

प्रश्न ३


TERM 2 - पाठ ६ क्या निराश हुआ जाए

 पाठ ६ 

               क्या निराश हुआ जाए 


  1. समाचार = खबर 

  2. दृष्टि = नज़र 

  3. भीरू =  कायर , डरपोक

  4. दोषोद्घाटन = कमियों  को दिखाना 

  5. अवांछित = अनचाहा ,जिसकी इच्छा न की गई हो 

  6. गरिमा = महिमा, महत्व

  7. परिचालक = कंडक्टर

  8. प्रतिष्ठा  = मान – मर्यादा , सम्मान


प्र०१) लोगों ने बस चालक से माफी क्यों माँगी ? (५)

उ० जब बस एक निर्जन सुनसान स्थान पर रुक गई तो सभी यात्री घबरा गए । परिचालक बस से नीचे उतरा और एक साइकिल लेकर कहीं चला  गया ।लोगों को संदेह हो गया कि उनके साथ कोई दुर्घटना होने वाली है । किसी ने कहा,” इस स्थान पर डकैती होती है।  दो दिन पहले इसी तरह एक बस को लूटा गया था।“  सभी के मन में डाकू का डर समा गया । कुछ नौजवानों ने चालक को पकड़कर मारने की योजना बनाई। क्योंकि उनका मानना था कि चालक ने ही परिचालक को डाकुओं के पास सूचना देने के लिए भेजा है । लेकिन जब परिचालक डेढ़‌- दो घंटे बाद एक खाली बस लेकर आया और सभी यात्रियों से कहा कि, “आप लोग दूसरे बस में बैठ जाइए, क्योंकि यह बस चलने की स्थिति में नहीं है । तब सभी यात्रियों को अपनी गलती का एहसास हुआ और उन लोगों ने चालक से माफी माँगी ।

प्र० ३) “दोषों का  पर्दाफाश करना बुरी बात नहीं है।” पंक्ति का भाव(आशय) स्पष्ट कीजिए। (५)

उ०   “दोषों का पर्दाफाश करना बुरी बात नहीं है।“  इस वाक्य का आशय यह है कि, लोग दूसरों के दोषों तथा  उनकी कमियों को उजागर करके या उद्घाटित करके उससे मजा लेते हैं और उनकी गलतियों को सभी के समक्ष प्रस्तुत करने को एकमात्र अपना कर्तव्य समझ लेते हैं । किसी की गलतियों में मजा लेना बुरी बात है, लेकिन उससे भी बुरी बात यह है कि जब हम किसी की अच्छाई को उसके अच्छे स्वभाव को या उसके अच्छे  कामों को लोगों के सामने उद्घाटित अर्थात् प्रस्तुत  नहीं करते ।

गृह कार्य 

४ से ५ वाक्यों में उत्तर दें ‌‌-

प्र० क) ‘क्या निराश हुआ जाए?’ शीर्षक की सार्थकता पर अपने तर्क देते हुए अपने विचार लिखिए ।(२)

प्र० ख) एक बार एक सज्जन ने लेखक से क्या कहा ? (२)

प्र० ग) महान मूल्यों के प्रति लोगों की आस्था क्यों डोलने लगी है ?(2)

८से १० वाक्यों में उत्तर दें ‌‌-

प्र० घ) पाठ में रवींद्रनाथ टैगोर ने क्या प्रार्थना की है और क्यों? अपने शब्दों में स्पष्ट कीजिए ।(५)


Sunday, October 17, 2021



6. L’environnement

Grammaire –

·        Les prépositions

·        Sur – on / sous –under

·        Devant, en face de – in front of / derrière – behind

·        Dans – in / hors de – out of

·        Près de, à côté de – near/ loin de – far

·        Avant – before / après – after

·        Avec – with / sans – without

·        Pour – for / contre – against

·        Au-dessus de – above / au-dessous de – below

·        A droite de – to the right of / àgauche de – to the left of

·        Autour de – around

·        Au bord de – on the bank of

·        Au fond de – at the end/bottom of

·        Au bout de – at the tip of

·        Depuis – since

·        Chez – to someone’s house

·        Entre – between

·        Parmi – among

·        Vers – towards

·        Sauf – except

·        Jusqu’à – upto/till

·        Pendant – during

·        Par – by

·        Tout droit – straight ahead

·        Malgré – inspite of

·        Au coin de – in the corner of


·        Les adverbes –


1.    L’adjectif « tout »

1)    Tout – masc. Sing.noun – tout le livre (the whole book)

2)    Toute – fem. Sing.noun – toute la famille (the whole family)

3)    Tous – masc.plural – tous les hommes (all the men)

4)    Toutes – fem. Plural – toutes les classes (all the classes)

Note that the first two are used for the whole thing but a singular one, third and fourth are used for plural nouns.

2.    Les Adverbes

A.   Rule for making an adverb:- take the adjective

                                                     Change it to feminine form

                                                     Add ‘ment’ to its end




Heureux – happy/lucky


Heureusement – happily/luckily

Courageux - courageous


Courageusement - courageousely

Doux – sweet


Doucement - sweetly

Lent - slow


Lentement – slowly

Habituel - habitual


Habituellement - habitually

B.   If the adjective ends with a vowel add ‘ment’directly.

e.g. poli (polite) –poliment (politely)

        vrai (true) – vraiment (truely)

        triste (sad) – tristement (sadly)

        extrême (extreme) – extrêmement (extremely)

C.    If the adjective ends with ‘ent’    delete ‘ent’ and add ‘emment’














D.   Exceptions

 Gai – gaiement (gaily)

Gentil –gentiment (kindly)

E.    The frequently used adverbs

Bien – well

Plus - more

Tôt - early

Souvent – often

mal – bad

Moins - less

Trop – too much

Maintenant – now

Hier - yesterday

Très - very

Assez - enough

Plus tard – later

demain - tomorrow

Peu/un peu – a little

Toujours – always

Vite – fast

Loin - far

Tard - late

Jamais - never

Aussi - also


·        La négation –

1.     Quelque chose (something) # ne----rien (nothing/ not anything)

Elle mange quelque chose pour le petit déjeuner. (She eats something for the breakfast.)

Elle ne mange rien pour le petit déjeuner. (She eats nothing for breakfast./ she doesn’t eat anything for the breakfast.)

2.     Quelqu’un (somebody/someone) # ne----personne (nobody/ not anybody)

Il regarde quelqu’un à la porte. (He sees somebody at the door.)

Il ne regarde personne à la porte. (He sees nobody at the door./ He doesn’t see anybody at the door.)

3.     Toujours (always), souvent (often) # ne ------ jamais (never)

Ils sortent toujours/souvent.(They go out always/ often.)

Ils ne sortent jamais. (They never go out.)

4.     Déjà (already) # ne ------ pas encore (not yet)

Stella déjà part pour l’école. (Stella already leaves for school.)

Stella ne part pas encore pour l’école. (Stella doesn’t leave yet for school.)

5.     Quelque part (somewhere) # ne ----- nullepart (nowhere/ not anywhere)

M. Vincent va quelquepart pour les vacances. (Mr.Vincent goes somewhere for the vacation.)

M. Vincent ne va nullepart pour les vacances. (Mr. Vincent doesn’t go anywhere for the vacation.


6.       Encore (still, yet) # ne -----plus (not anymore, nomore)

Louis parle encore à Denis. (Louis still talks to Denis.)

Louis ne parle plus à Denis. (Louis does not talk to denis anymore.)

7.     ---- et ---- (and/ either or) # ne ----- ni---ni------ (neither – nor)

a)     Tu aimes la glace et le gâteau ? (you like ice cream and cake ?)

Non, je n’aime ni la glace ni le gâteau. ( No, I neither like ice cream nor cake.)

b)    Tu prends de la glace et du gâteau ? (You take the ice cream and the cake ?)

Non, je ne prends ni glace ni gâteau. (No, I take neither ice cream nor cake.)

·        Partitive articles are removed from the sentence while making negation of this type.

8.     Tout(everything) / Quelque chose # Rien ne-----

Tout change. (everything changes.)

Rien ne change. (Nothing changes.)

·        Quelque chose tombe. (something falls)

Rien ne tombe. (Nothing falls)

9.     Tout le monde (everybody)/ Quelqu’un # Personne ne-----

Tout le monde mange du mal bouffe. (Everone eats junk food.)

Personne ne mange de mal bouffe. (Nobody eats junk food.)

Quelqu’un frappe. (Someone knocks.)

Personne ne frappe. (No one knocks.)


·        Coin culturel

Les journaux quotidiens nationaux (national daily news papers)

Les journaux quotidiens régionaux (regional daily news papers)

Les magazines hebdomadaires français (weekly French magazines)

Les magazines mensuels français (monthly French magazines)

Le Monde, Le Figaro, Libération, Le Parisien, L’Equipe

Nice-Matin, La Provence, Le Républicain Lorrain, Ouest-France, L’Alsace

Le Nouvel Observateur, L’Express, Le Point, Télérama, Femme Actuelle, Marianne

L’Histoire, L’Infirmière, Marie Claire