1.What does
the poet want to convey in the first two stanzas?
In these stanzas the poet is describing the calmness of the sea.
There is no stir in the air
and the sea also appears to be calm. The ship stood very still
in the ocean, this we know
because the ‘keel’ of the ship is steady. On the other hand
the Inchcape rock ahead
of the ship was also standing firm and the waves flowed
steadily not affecting the
Inchcape rock.
2.What is
the figure of speech used in these lines?
“no stir in the air, no stir in the sea.”
“So little they rose, so little they fell.”
Here at two places poet has used ‘repetition’, “no
stir in the air, no stir in
the sea.” “So little they rose, so little they fell.”
Also there is ‘alliteration’
in the lines, “The ship was still as till could be.”
anchored the bell and why it has been called as warning bell?
The bell was anchored by the kind Abbot(monk) of Aberbrothok on the Inchcape rock.
This bell worked as a
warning bell for the mariners, whenever there happened
to be a storm, the
bell swayed and floated along with buoys producing
sound and mariners became aware about the presence of a
dangerous rock,
which would have
otherwise been hidden by the swell of sea waves. All the
mariners were thankful
towards Abbot of Aberbrothok and blessed him for
his kind deed.
4.What is
the figure of speech used in these lines?
a) The ship
was as still as she could be ,her keel was steady
Her sails from heaven received no motion.
b) A sound as if with the inchcape bell
The devil below was ringing the bell
1.Do you think this poem is ballad? Why?
Yes,it is ballad because it is narrating a story of two
characters .
2.What do you make out of the Abbot of Aberbrothok’s
He was a kind- hearted, humane person who wished well for
That is why he had placed the bell at the Inchcape Rock’s
3.Why did Sir Ralph want to create trouble for Abbot of
…...because he was
jealous of the popularity of Abbot of Aberbrothok and
simply wanted to make
life difficult for him.
4.What is the mood of the poem in the first few stanzas of
the poem?
The mood is of happiness, stillness. It is peaceful and calm.
The day is bright and sun is shining.
Everything looks just perfect.
5.Which rhyme scheme is followed in this poem?
6.What is the difference between a ‘surge’ and a ‘wave’?
A surge is a very
strong forward movement of sea
waves whereas wave is the regular movement of sea water.
7.What is the structure?
Poem has seventeen stanzas.
8.What is the form?
It is a lyrical ballad.
9.What is the style?
It is narrative poem
by the poet.
10.Are opening and closing lines of poem significant?
Yes, Opening lines tells that everything is peaceful and calm
and closing lines
talk about death and
11.Is there a clear passage of time mentioned in the poem?
No, the poem just describes the life of pirates and sailors
at sea.
12.What is the mood of the poem?
it is very serious and
13.What is the tone of the poem?
Is it a satiric, serious ,adventurous and somber poem .
14.What is the theme?
One pays for ones misdeeds.