Monday, December 1, 2014

ITKT(Computer) - Cycle Test 3 - Chapter 7 Understanding CorelDraw

Chapter 7 – Understanding CorelDRAW
Answer the following questions.

1)  What is CorelDraw?
CorelDraw is a vector-based drawing program that makes it easy to create creative artwork from simple logos to technical illustrations.
CorelDRAW is a graphics design application that gives designers an enjoyable work experience and helps to create accurate and creative vector illustrations and professional page layouts.

2)  What is Vector based Drawing?
Vector based drawing refers to a program where images is mathematically expressed. For instance a circle is expressed with equation: x2 + y2 = r2.
So , if you resize the image of the circle, the mathematical expression is recalculate, resulting in a more accurate and appropriate image.
Note :- refer page no 75.

3)  Steps to Start Coreldraw.
1)    Click on Start
2)   Click on All Programs.
3)   Click on CorelDraw Graphics Suite X3.
4)   Click on CorelDraw X3.
Note :- refer page no 76.

4)  Write down the name of the option which is displayed on the Welcome Screen and explain it?
1)    New – Can be used to create a new Drawing.
2)   Recently Used – can be used to open any recently used /made drawing.
3)   Open - can be used to open the Open Drawing dialog box.(Shortcut Key - Ctrl + O)
4)   New From Template – can be used to create a new drawing from predefined template.
5)   CorelTutor - can be used to learn the features of CorelTutor.

6)   What’s New - helps to understand the new features in CorelDrawX3.

5)  Steps to Open/Open an Existing Drawing.
1)    Click on open.
2)   Select image in open dialog box and click ok./Select graphics and click open.
3)   Now image/graphic will appear in the drawing.

6)Explain - CorelDRAW Interface/CorelDraw Components.

Note :- refer page no 78 & 79 from textbook.
(compulsory refer – Component & its description)

7)  Steps to create a New Drawing.
1)    Click on File.
2)   Click on New.
A blank page appears with default settings. You can also press Ctrl + N
Or click on New Button on Standard toolbar to create a new drawing.
8)  Steps to create a New Drawing from a Template.
1)    Click on File.
2)   Click on New from Template.
A New from Template dialog box appears select any one of them also you can see preview by right clicking on that.

9)  Explain - To work with the tools in the toolbox in Coreldraw.
Basic Shapes such as rectangles, ellipses, polygons and stars can be easily drawn.
All the tools needed are easily accessible from the following flyouts in the toolbox:
·         Rectangle flyout
·         Ellipse flyout
·         Object flyout

10)  Steps to Draw Rectangle.
1) Open the Rectangle flyout and click the Rectangle tool
2) Drag in the drawing window to draw the rectangle.

11)  Steps to Draw Rectangle at angles.
1) Click the 3 point rectangle tool.
2) Drag to draw the width.
3) Release the mouse button and move the pointer to draw the height and click.

Steps to Draw Square.
1) Click the Rectangle tool.
2) Hold down the Ctrl and drag in the drawing window to draw a square

13)  Steps to Draw Ellipses, Circles, Arcs and Pie Shapes.
1) Click the Ellipse tool and drag where you want to place it.
2) To draw an ellipse at an angle, click the 3-point ellipse tool.
3) To draw a circle, hold down the Ctrl key while using the Ellipse tool.
4) To draw an ellipse from the center holds down the Shift key. 

14)  Steps to Draw Polygons, Stars, Spiral and Graph Paper.
1) Open Object Flyout, click the respective tool and drag in the drawing window till you get the shape in the required size and shape.
2) To draw the shape from its center, hold down the Shift key while dragging.
3) To draw a symmetrical shape, hold down the Ctrl key while dragging.

Note :- also refer Page No – 80,81,82 from textbook. (compulsory)

15)  Steps to Draw /create a ChessBoard.
1) Select Graph Paper Tool and draw a square shaped graph paper.

 2) Select Arrange menu à Ungroup All.
3) Press Shift and select alternate squares with Pick tool. Use the Smart Fill tool to fill with black colour.
4) Select the drawing by dragging Pick tool around it and choose Arrange à Group.
 5) To give it perspective, select EffectsàPerspective and drag the four points with cursor to create a perspective.

Note:- also refer page no 82 to 83 from text book.
Note:- FOR ANS refer page no 82 from text book.

Fill in the blanks
1.     CorelDraw is a comprehensive Vector-based drawing program.
2.    Vector based drawing refers to a program where images is mathematically expressed..
3.    CorelDraw files are saved with the extension .cdr .
4. Inside the window is the Drawing page, where you create or modify your drawing.

Note  :-

also refer text book, text book exercise from cd &  worksheet.

Computer syllabus for Cycle Test 3 :-

Chapter 7: Understanding CorelDraw
Chapter 9: Introduction to Java

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

ITKT(Computer) - Cycle Test 3 - Chapter 9

Chapter 9 – Introduction to Java
Answer the following questions.
1)  What is OOP?
OOP’s means Object-Oriented Programming.
OOP’s is a methodology that focuses on data items rather than processes.
It’s bridge between problem in the real world and solution in computer programming.
In this a programmer can focus on the objects that naturally make up a system, rather than its procedure.
Object means a real word entity such as pen, chair, table etc. 
Object-Oriented Programming is a methodology to design a program using classes and objects.
It simplifies the software development and maintenance by providing some concepts like
It’s based on
1) Object     2) Class       3) Encapsulation     4) Inheritance
2)  What is Object?
Object means collection of data and the procedure or function
which work on that data.
The procedures are called methods.
There are two main characteristics of an object
Object means a real word entity such as pen, chair, table etc
1) State/Attributes
2) Behaviour/Actions.
Example: Car,Pencil,etc..
3)  What is Class?
A Class defines a type of object.
It defines the variables and methods common to all object of a certain kind
It also describes the rules by which objects behave.
A class is a collection of objects of similar types.
Example:  mango, apple, and orange are members of the class fruit.
Class is user-defined data types and behaves like the built –in types of language.
4)  What is Encapsulation?
Encapsulation is the process of keeping the data of an object along with its methods and hiding it from the outside world.
‘‘ The  wrapping  up  of  data  and methods  into  a  single  unit (called class) is  known  as Encapsulation ’’
Common illustrations:
Ø  The internal organs, muscles, bones etc. of human body is encapsulated with Skin.
Ø    A chocolate is encapsulated with a wrapper.
In Encapsulation
An object is composed of a public and private section.
Public section is the one that can be accessed from outside the object.
Private section is the one that can’t be accessed from outside the object.

5)  What is Inheritance?

Sub Class

Super Class
Inheritance is the process of creating a new class with the characteristics of an existing class along with additional characteristics unique to the new class.
“It  is  the  process  by  which  one  object  acquires  the  properties  (attributes  & actions)  of  another  object”.

6)  Steps to create a New Project in BlueJ?
1)    Click on Project menu -> select New Project option
2)   Select location and specify the name of project. Like “StudentProject”.
and then click on Create button.
3)   Then you can see Project window & one README.TXT file.
4)   Click on README.TXT and write down the following details:
c.    AUTHORS:                     f. USER INSTRUCTIONS:
7)  Steps to create a class in BlueJ?
After creating a project to create a class follow these steps:
1)    Click on New Class
2)   Then write down class name & select the type of class.
3)   Now right click on that class select Open Editor and after removing given code write your own code.
4)   Then compile that class. If it is done successfully the slanting bar s will disappear else it gives you an error.
8)  What is Compiler?
Compiler is a process of transforming source code into object code for execution.
9)  What is Variables? Types of variable in Java.
A variable refers to the memory location that holds values like:
Number, Texts,  etc.  in computer memory.
There are three types of variables in java:
1)  Instance Variable - 
It is related to objects of a class and each object of the same class can have different instance variables.
2)  Class Variable - 
It is related to class and not to particular objects of a class.
It is define with static keyword and shared by all object of that class.
It is like global variable which are same for all objects of the class.
3)  Local Variable - 
The variable which are defined in a method or block of code.

10)      State the rules for naming a variable in java.
i)     Uppercase and lowercase letters are different.
ii)   No limitation to the number of letters in a variable name
iii) Digits are allowed but the first letter must be an alphabet.
iv)  Only ‘$’ and ‘_’ are allowed in a variable ‘$’ cannot appear in the beginning.
v)    Spaces are not allowed.

11)      What is Data Type?
The type of value that a variable can hold is called data type.
When we declare a variable we need to specify the type of value it will hold along with the name of variable. Like..

12)      Give Example: How to declare and initialize the variable in java?
Example of declaring the variable:

int Num;   

here variable name is Num and the data type is int so it can store integer value.
Some more example-

float num;
char Name;
double Math;

Example of initializing the variable:
The value can be given to the variable when they created. Like.

float Eng=89;
int age=13;
char Alpha=’A’;

13)      How to handle flow of a data?
Ø  System.out.println() – used to display the output on the computer screen.
Ø  System – predefined class to provide access to the system,
Ø  out – it is output stream
Ø  println() – function to display the text(string)  passed inside brackets
Ø  Ex.   System.out.println( “Welcome to Java”)
Ø  Ex.   int A=10;
Ø  System.out.println(“value of A is : ”+A)

Note:-also refer page no 99 to 101 from text book.

Fill in the blanks
1.     int A; A occupies ____2____bytes.
2.    float B; B occupies ____4___bytes.
3.    double Num; Num occupies ___8____ bytes.
4.    char alpha; alpha occupies ____2______bytes.
5.    The variable which are defined in a method or block of code is called       Local Variable.
6.    The type of value that a variable can hold is called data type.
7.    println() is a function to display the text(string)  passed inside brackets.
8.    Compiler is a process of transforming source code into object code for execution.
9.    A BlueJ project is a directory containing raw Java source code files, compiled java files and some additional files.

Note  :-

also refer text book, text book exercise from cd &  worksheet.
chapter 7 material will be uploaded soon.

Computer syllabus for Cycle Test 3 :-

Chapter 7: Understanding CorelDraw
Chapter 9: Introduction to Java